S A V E   1 5 %    W I T H   T H I S   B A D G E

01 | Bottle Feeding Skills: Refining Clinical Reasoning for Selection and Use


By the end of this course, you’ll understand how to identify bottles that are a good match for individual babies’ oral function and needs and how to implement interventions for bottle feeding. The market is saturated with bottles claiming to be the best. When you understand an infant’s skills and bottle qualities, you can make informed, unbiased recommendations to support your clients. 

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02 | Mixed Feedings: Make individualizedevidence-based recommendations to support families supplementing with infant formula


This course focuses on the nutrition science of infant formula so you will be able to distinguish how certain formulas differ nutritionally. Additionally, it focuses on the evidence that supports recommending certain ingredients/formulations under specific circumstances. There’s also a focus on the mixed-fed/supplemented infant to optimize safety and tolerance when infants are fed both human milk and infant formula. This information will be invaluable to practitioners supporting infants consuming any amount of formula — from minimal supplementation to exclusively.

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03 | Supporting Oral Motor Skills in the Infant: Assessment, Adaptation, and Remediation


This course will provide an overview of infant oral anatomy, oral motor development, and the acquisition of strong, efficient feeding skills. Instructors critically review the current literature available regarding oral stimulation. Therapists are provided with a toolkit (including oral motor treatment ideas, oral motor assessment forms, and more) to help their clients improve their oral motor skills and progress toward efficient oral feeding.

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