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01 | Reframing the Clinical Approach: Breastfeeding Assessment and Intervention for the Medically Fragile Infant


This course covers the specific importance of breastfeeding for medically fragile infants, the establishment of the mother's milk supply (and how this is different when the infant is hospitalized), breastfeeding assessment within the intensive care units (including LATCH score and PIBBS), interventions to support medically fragile infants, and case studies to highlight strategies for successful implementation (including sequential videos marking the infant's progress and outcome).

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02 | Tube to Breast: Navigating the Transition from Enteral Feeding to Breastfeeding


Treating infants who are tube-fed can be intimidating and challenging. This course covers the reasons why infants may need enteral tube feedings, key differences between continuous and bolus tube feedings that have implications for weaning, as well as ways to promote a positive introduction to breastfeeding. Focus is placed on factors that must be in place before weaning enteral feedings and red flags that warrant further evaluation.

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03 | Failure to Thrive, Suboptimal Weight Gain, and the Lactation Savvy Therapist


This course covers key principles that professionals must understand when evaluating infants with suboptimal weight gain. You’ll learn normal feeding patterns (from birth to 6 months) in breast and bottle-fed infants, typical volume of intake and outputs, etiology of failure to thrive/poor weight gain, analyzing growth charts, and impacts of poor weight gain on the infant and the family dynamic. No more pulling bits and pieces from general pediatric continuing education — this is infant-specific to support your niche practice area.

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