$175.00 USD

3 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

I understand that each professional license is verified. If the license information provided is not accurate or valid, a full refund will be issued and access to this course will be revoked.

I understand there will be a 24 hr delay to access the course contents and materials in order for the license verification process to be completed. 

I understand that if I am requesting ASHA CEUs that all information on this page must be completed fully and accurately.

I have read and agree to the terms of the refund policy.

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Tongue Ties, Breastfeeding, and the Lactation Savvy Therapist - OT, SLP, PT

Payment Detail: 
💳 3 Monthly payments of $175


What's included:
✅ 6-month access to the course
✅ 11 hours of content
✅ 1.1 AOTA CEUs
✅ 1.1 CEUs submitted directly to ASHA
✅ 9.0 L-CERPs 

Important Reminders!
🚫 No immediate access to this course. There is a 24-hour delay to access course materials. 

ASHA CEU reminders:
Complete this registration page accurately and fully
➡️ First name
➡️ Last name
➡️ Address
➡️ "YES" that you are requesting ASHA CEUs
➡️ 8-digit ASHA ID

For information regarding refund policy, special accommodation, and CEUs, please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions Section.

What People Are Saying:

This course was extremely thorough. Jeanne was a pleasure to listen to and gave excellent examples that made me feel prepared to take my knowledge to practice!

Detailed description of assessment! I took thorough notes and used them in an evaluation immediately following. I felt confident I was completing a comprehensive functional evaluation of the baby's needs.

This course was excellent. I love how comprehensive it was for the basics and more. It was well organized and helped me to frame my own assessments. It also helps to give me confidence in what I am already doing with clients, knowing that I am on the right track. The videos and talking through each video and picture (and replaying videos when needed) helped so much. The case studies were great.