Medically Fragile Infant Badge Bundle

Payment Detail:
💳 One-time payment of $524.45

What's included:
✅Breastfeeding Assessment and Intervention for the Medically Fragile Infant: Reframing the Clinical Approach (4.0 L-CERPs, 0.4 AOTA CEU, 0.4 ASHA CEU)
✅ Failure to Thrive, Suboptimal Weight Gain, and the Lactation Savvy Therapist (4.5 L-CERPs, 0.45 AOTA CEU, 0.45 ASHA CEU)
✅ Tube to Breast: Navigating the Transition from Enteral Feeding to Breastfeeding (5.5 L-CERPs, 0.55 AOTA CEU, 0.55 ASHA CEU)

ASHA CEU reminders:
Complete this registration page accurately and fully
➡️ First name
➡️ Last name
➡️ Address
➡️ "YES" that you are requesting ASHA CEUs
➡️ 8-digit ASHA ID


$524.45 USD


I understand that each professional license is verified. If the license information provided is not accurate or valid, a full refund will be issued and access to this course will be revoked.

I understand there will be a 24 hr delay to access the course contents and materials in order for the license verification process to be completed. 

I understand that if I am requesting ASHA CEUs that all information on this page must be completed fully and accurately.

I have read and agree to the terms of the refund policy.

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